Our History

The ICCS was established in 1981 following an international conference on Canadian Studies organized by the Association for Canadian Studies in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting of the Learned Societies in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Representatives from nine regions of the world met on 01 June 1981 and voted to create the International Council for Canadian Studies.

  • Founding Members: Canada, United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, German-speaking countries, Australia-New Zealand and Ireland
  • Members: Nordic countries, China, Netherlands, Israel, India, Spain, Russian Federation, Korea, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Argentina, Central European Association for Canadian Studies, Polish Association, and the Canadian Studies Network
  • Associate Members: Université Libre de Bruxelles, American Council for Québec Studies, Universidad de La Habana, ACHECA-Chile and CPEC-Paraguay, and African Network for Canadian Studies

To learn more about the history of ICCS, please see the Commemorative book The Canadianists/Les Canadianistes (7 MB), an account of the first 25 years in the service of Canadian Studies by Serge Jaumain. Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS), this collection offers an overview of the state of the art in various disciplines in Canadian Studies, such as political science, history, geography, sociology, public policy, linguistics, literature as well as media studies and cultural studies.