Pierre Savard Awards

Pierre Savard (1936–1998), well-known historian, Professor and Canadianist, contributed greatly to the development of Canadian Studies. He was President of the ICCS from 1983 to 1985.

1) Book written in French or English 

2) Book written in a language other than French or English

The Pierre Savard Awards are designed to recognize and promote outstanding scholarly monographs on a Canadian topic. The awards form part of a strategy that is aimed at promoting, especially throughout the Canadian academic community, works that have been written by members of the Canadian Studies international network. The awards are intended to designate exceptional books that contribute to excellent scholarship in Canadian Studies and may be given only once to the same person. There are two categories:

1) Book written in French or English;

2) Book written in a language other than French or English.


Application Rules

  • Every member association or associate member of the ICCS can submit the title of one book that has been published within the preceding two years (resubmissions are possible as long as the two-year limit is respected);
  • The book must be a scholarly monograph dealing mainly with a Canadian topic and written either in English or French, by one or more authors;
  • The Awards and Grants Committee will act as the jury and reserves the right to have any books submitted to be reviewed by external examiners;
  • The Pierre Savard Awards comprise a document signed by the President of the ICCS. The Awards include a limited allowance toward travel and lodging expenses, in order for the recipients to travel to Toronto to officially receive the PSA at the Annual General Meeting of the ICCS;
  • The publisher will be allowed to mention the PSA in any publicity relating to the winning publication.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Monographs dealing mainly with Canada are eligible. Comparative works will be considered, as well as works written by more than one author;
  • Collections of poetry, novels, plays, proceedings of symposia, reference works, edited works, anthologies, bibliographies, etc. will not be eligible. The same applies to works comprising essentially previously published texts, such as articles or excerpts from books;
  • Works must be written in English or French;
  • The author must be a member in good standing of a member association or of an associate member of the ICCS.
  • The application must be introduced by the president of a member association or of an associate member;
  • An application must contain: two copies of the book being submitted and a pdf file; a two-page
    abstract written in French or in English; a curriculum vitae of the author(s) indicating the nature of his/her/their academic affiliation; a letter from the president of the member association or associate member nominating the application.


Application Rules

  • Every member association or associate member of the ICCS can submit the title of one book that has been published within the preceding two years (resubmissions are possible as long as the two-year limit is respected);
  • The book must be a scholarly monograph dealing mainly with a Canadian topic and written in a language other than French or English, by one or more authors;
  • The Awards and Grants Committee of the International Council for Canadian Studies will act as the jury and reserves the right to have any books submitted to be reviewed by external examiners;
  • The Pierre Savard Awards comprise a document signed by the President of the ICCS. The Awards include a limited allowance toward travel and lodging expenses, in order for the recipients to travel to Toronto to officially receive the PSA at the Annual General Meeting of the ICCS;
  • The publisher will be allowed to mention the PSA in any publicity relating to the winning publication.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Only monographs dealing mainly with Canada written in a language other than French or English are eligible. Comparative works will be considered, as well as works written by more than one author;
  • Collections of poetry, novels, plays, proceedings of symposia, reference works, edited works, anthologies, bibliographies, etc. will not be eligible. The same applies to works comprising essentially previously published texts, such as articles or excerpts from books;
  • The author must be a member in good standing of a member association or of an associate member of the ICCS;
  • The application must be submitted by the president of a member association or associate member;
  • An application must contain the following: one copy of the book being submitted and a pdf file; a ten-page summaryin French or English (table of contents, summary, research idea and arguments, theoretical and methodological approach, outline of research corpus, research findings); a curriculum vitae of the author(s) indicating the nature of his/her/their academic affiliation; a list of five specialists, including address, university affiliation, e-mail, etc., able to provide in French or English a detailed assessment of the work submitted; a letter from the president of the member association or associate member nominating the application.


The deadline for submitting applications to the ICCS is November 22. Decisions will be announced by 01 March of the following year. Requests for further information or submissions may be addressed to:

International Council for Canadian Studies
c/o Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, York University
723 Kaneff Tower
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3, Canada

Email: iccsciec[at]yorku.ca


Maria Löschnigg, The Routledge Introduction to the Canadian Short Story. Routledge, 2023


English and French winner:

Marc Chalier, Les normes de prononciation du français : une étude perceptive panfrancophone, De Gruyter, 2021.

Other languages winner:

Dagmara Drewniak, Figura domu. Szkice o najnowszej anglojęzycnej literaturze emigrantów z ziem polskich i ich potomków w Kanadzie, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2022.


English and French winner:

Jane Griffith. Words have a Past: The English Language, Colonialism, and the Newspapers of indian Boarding Schools. University of Toronto Press, 2019.

Other languages winner:

No award handed out this year.


English and French winner:

Wendy Wickwire, At the Bridge: James Teit and an Anthropology of Belonging, Vancouver:  University of British Columbia Press, 2019 

Other languages winner:
Masumi Izumi, The Japanese Canadian Movement:  The Little-Known Trans-Pacific History of Japanese Migration and Activism, Tokyo:  Takanashi Shobo, 2020, in Japanese


English and French winner:

Raymond B. Blake and Melvin Baker, Where Once They Stood: Newfoundland’s Rocky Road towards Conferederation. Regina:University of Regina Press, 2019

Other languages winner:

Elena Grigorieva, Government Management of Agricultural Production in Canada, Moscow:  All-Russian Institute for Agrarian Problems and Informatics named after Nikonov (VIAPI), 2018, in Russian