The International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS), founded in 1981, is a not-for-profit organization composed of 23 member associations and 5 associate members in 39 countries, dedicated to the promotion and support of research, education and publication in all fields of Canadian Studies around the world. Its members – we call ourselves “Canadianists” – publish hundreds of scholarly articles and books on Canadian topics; organize conferences, workshops, presentations, and courses on Canada; through our research and teaching we reach thousands of academics and students around the world. We are a worldwide network of experts on Canada.
The ICCS is governed by an elected Executive Committee and a Steering Board consisting of delegates of its member associations and associate members. The Steering Board, which meets once a year, is responsible for planning and establishing the general directions and policies of the ICCS. Our headquarters are located in the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, at York University, Keele Campus.
As part of the “Understanding Canada” Program, the ICCS acted as administrative agent of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade for several of the Department’s Canadian Studies Programs.
Over the years, the ICCS has developed a series of activities and programs in support of international Canadian Studies, such as Phd student travel grants, one postdoc travel grant, thesis awards, book awards and the Governor General International Canadian Studies Award.
Our journal, the International Journal of Canadian Studies is a bilingual, multidisciplinary, and peer-reviewed journal publishing the latest research in Canadian Studies from around the world. IJCS prides itself on being a scholarly journal bringing together academic research conducted both by Canadians and academics studying Canada from abroad. The International Journal of Canadian Studies is available at www.utpjournals.com/ijcs