Our mandate is to promote worldwide scholarly study, research, teaching and publication about Canada in all disciplines worldwide. Within this general mandate, the ICCS has identified three major objectives and priority areas:

- Promotion of scholarly activities: To organize world-class scholarly activities and to contribute to the establishment and development of Canadian Studies in universities internationally.
- Creation of an international community of Canadianists: To contribute to the creation and development of an international community of Canadianists and to act as an information resource and communication hub for this community.
- Communication of the results of research and public awareness: To disseminate, in Canada and internationally, the results of research, study and other scholarly activities undertaken by Canadianists, and to promote public awareness of Canadian Studies.
- Promotion of student engagement: To support student exchange as well as experiential and research-based learning.
In order to meet these objectives, the ICCS maintains its own scholarship programs and awards.