A three-member Executive Committee is responsible for managing the ICCS between the Annual General/Board of Directors meetings. It is composed of the President and the President Elect or Past President of the Board of Directors, and the Treasurer.
2024–25 Executive Committee:

Jane Koustas
Professor of French
Modern Languages, Literature and Cultures
Brock University
Anna Branach-Kallas
Incoming President
Department of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Comparative Studies
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

John Maher
Chair of the Centre for Newfoundland and Labrador Studies
Department of Accounting and Economics,
Waterford Institute of Technology
The Board of Directors, meeting at least once a year, is responsible for establishing the direction and policies of the ICCS. It is composed of one representative from each member association or associate member and the Executive Committee.
African Network for Canadian Studies
Norris Erhabor
Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking Countries (GKS)
Christoph Vatter
Association for Canadian Studies in Ireland (ACSI)
Dervila Cooke
Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS)
Alexandre Couture Gagnon
Brazilian Association for Canadian Studies (ABECAN)
Licia Soares de Souza Soares de Souza
British Association for Canadian Studies (BACS)
Tony McCulloch
Canadian Studies Network (CSN)
Chantal Richard
Central European Association for Canadian Studies (CEACS)
Katalin Kürtösi
French Association for Canadian Studies (AFEC)
Françoise Le Jeune
Indian Association for Canadian Studies (InACS)
Jagdish S. Joshi
Italian Association for Canadian Studies (AISC)
Oriana Palusci
Japanese Association for Canadian Studies (JACS)
Yazu Norie
Korean Association for Canadian Studies (KACS)
Ahn Doehee
Nordic Association for Canadian Studies (NACS)
Janne Korkka
Polish Association for Canadian Studies (PACS)
Dagmara Drewniak
Directors – Associate Members (non-voting members)
American Council for Québec Studies (ACQS)
Yulia Bosworth
AmericaS – Center for the Study of the Americas (MSH – ULB)
Serge Jaumain
Chilean Association for Canadian Studies
Sergio Stange
Canadian Studies Centre in Paraguay
Stael Ruffinelli de Ortiz
Past ICCS Presidents
2021–2023 Kerstin Knopf (Germany)
2019–2021 Munroe Eagles (United States)
2017–2019 Stewart Gill (Australia)
2015–2017 Susan Hodgett (UK)
2013–2015 Om P.Juneja (India)
2011–2013 Patrick James (USA)
2009–2011 Klaus-Dieter Ertler (Austria)
2007–2009 Cornelius Remie (The Netherlands)
2005–2007 Christopher Rolfe (United Kingdom)
2003–2005 Zilá Bernd (Brazil)
2001–2003 Serge Jaumain (Belgium)
1999–2001 Karen Gould (USA)
1997–1999 Xavier Arbos (Spain)
1995–1997 John W. Lennox (Canada)
1993–1995 Daniel Ben-Natan (Israel)
1991-1993 Hans-Josef Niederehe (Germany)
1989–1991 Jean-Michel Lacroix (France)
1987–1989 Alan F.J. Artibise (Canada)
1985–1987 Luca Codignola (Italy)
1983–1985 Pierre Savard (Canada)
1981–1983 James E. Page (Canada)
The Executive Committee
The International Council for Canadian Studies is governed by a Board of Directors and an elected three-member Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is composed of the President, the President-Elect or Past-President, and the Treasurer and is responsible for managing the affairs of the ICCS between the Annual General/Board of Directors meetings.
The President-Elect serves on the Executive Committee for one year before assuming the Presidency. The President is elected at an annual meeting of the directors to hold office for a term of two (2) years. The Past President serves on the Executive Committee for one year following completion of his or her presidency. The Treasurer is elected biennially to the Executive Committee by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors establishes a Nominating Committee four months prior to the annual meeting of the Board of Directors during which directors will elect a new President or the Treasurer.
The Nominating Committee will issue a call for applications to the Directors and will develop a list of candidates for the positions of president and Treasurer prior to the board meeting at which the election is to take place. The Nominating Committee will ensure that the list of candidates includes at least two candidates for the positions of President and Treasurer.